follow your call

At Pleasant Grove we believe that EVERYONE has a call placed on thier life by God. We want to help you discover yours! When you are ready below are some resources and a process that will help you Follow Your Call!

Take a Spiritual gifts inventory

When combined with prayer a Spiritual Gifts Inventory can help you be mindful of the gift God has bless you with! When you are ready can find a great Spiritual Gifts Inventory provided free by the United Methodist Church by following this link:

Take Your Spiritual Gifts Inventory Here


After you have Completed your Inventory and have your results consider reaching out to a member o sof our Pastoral Staff to explore what oppurtunites would be a good fit. You can set up an conversation by calling the office or filling out a contact form.

Preaching or pastoral ministry

The call to Preach or Pastoral Ministry is powerful and one that draws people from every walk of life. It should not be taken lightly or ruled out too quickly. If you think you may be discerning a call to pastoral ministry please reach out to our Pastoral Staff by calling the office or filling out the contact form. Additional Resources can be explored below:

The Missouri Annual Conference